Stronger Every Day 9 Tools for an Emotionally Healthy You by Janell Rardon

 #Stronger Every Day#  is by Janell Rardon.  This  book is  a nonfiction Christian living book.  Janell is an author. She is also a trauma certified life  coach , an educator.   She has a website, blog and  does podcasts.  She is very personal and  helpful.  Her  book is  a wonderful  resource  to  heal  brokenness.  She  speaks  from her heart.  These strategies will help people  cope with   their   areas of pain  and trouble. Her strategies   will help with reader: transform their  pain into meaning, experience secure attachment with God,  shift from shame to compassion, practice   assertiveness,  self regulate , set boundaries.  She  shares her  personal  stories and  includes  her helpful strategies.   This book  is a helpful resource for any  Christian.   This book is a rich resource  for any  counselor.   I  like the way   she includes Christian principles  with her strategies.  Thank you to netgalley, the author and the publisher  for allowing me to read and review this book.   This book will give  people strength and renewal  in   these difficult  days.  


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