The Orchard House by Heidi Chiavaroli

 The Orchard  House is a historical , romance novel.  Heidi  Chiavaroli  is an award winning  author.  Her first   novel  Freedom  Ring won her the Carol Award and she was a Christy award finalist. The Orchard House is a time slip novel  . The first time  period is during the Civil War period   during  1865  when  Louisa  May Alcott was  alive. The reader will get a peak at  what life was like during her  family life and her own life.  The struggles of the Civil War are described in this  book.    The  other   time period is thru the eyes of Taylor . who was adopted and  tried to find herself.  She and  Victoria  are trying to establish themselves  as writers and  in society.   They  learn  about   writing in Louisa May Alcott's Orchard House with other writers.  The  quotes at the beginning  of each chapter are beautiful.    This  book was given to me to read and review.  The opinions are my own. Thank you to the publisher, netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.   


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