Crush Your Career by Dee Ann Turner

#Crush Your Career#  by  Dee Ann Turner  is  a non fiction    Christian   living book.  Dee Ann   worked for  Chick -fil-A for  33 years. She  served many   very strong roles at  Chick-Fil-A  for  example, Vice President, Talent and Vice President, Sustainability. Selected as the company's first female officer in 2001, she was instrumental in building and growing Chick-fil-A's well-known culture and talent systems. She  was   involved in growing Chick-Fil-A. She helped to set up franchisees  for Chick-Filet-A. . She  has her own company now  Dee Ann Turner & Associates, LLC,  She  speaks over  50 times per year. She  is a life career coach.   She also  has written best selling books  like Bet  on Talent How to Create A Remarkable Culture that  Wins the Hearts of Customers, It is My Pleasure The Impact  of Extraordinary Talent and a Compelling Culture.  She is a dynamic   writer and  coach!  Her books are so practical and helpful.  She  has many  helpful   ways to guide  the job hunter and person who is looking for a new career.  She   gives  positive input for a resume,  interview and follow  up.    She   then has  great follow up for  the person starting a new job.   This  book will  help guide and direct  the  person  who is job hunting to a successful career!  She has an outstanding website and blog  for  some  great tips and ideas.   This book is  what  our world needs  during these  times when many  are seeking employment and out of  work.  I applaud  Dee Ann for her wonderful well written book.   What a  blessing  it will be to many people. Thank you to netgalley, the  author and the  publisher for  allowing me to read and review this book. This book is an outstanding tool !   



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