The Bible Recap by Tara-Leigh Cobble

 #The Bible Recap#  by  Tara-Leigh Cobble  is a Christian living book. Tara  started  D groups which are  discipleships groups for men and women around the world.  She writes and hosts the radio show "The God Shot". and a daily  podcast  called  "The  Bible Recap."   The book The Bible Recap is a great  daily resource  for a daily Bible reading.  She  has a daily  reading plan and then explains the back round of the  Bible  passage. This  back round  explanation  is helpful   for anyone wanting  to understand scripture in a deeper way. This  is a good resource for any Christian ,  pastors and counselors.  Thank you to netgalley, the author and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.   I hope it is successful. 


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