The Tea Chest by Heidi Chiavaroli

"The  Tea Chest"   is  an  historical fiction book   . The book  goes  back and forth  between the past and the present. The past  is  1773  during the Patriots  and  England during  the Boston Tea party.  There is  the  struggle for independence in Boston and  England  struggling for    their continued  control of the  colonies.   You will feel like you have  stepped into history  when you read this well written and researched book.  Emma  is the character in the  Boston period. She supports  the Patriots    but her  father  is not happy with her  stance.   does  all she can to support her husband in  the  battle for independence.   She is loyal and dependable.    There  are many obstacles   toward  their  road to independence.  I like the  connection the author  makes with the present.  I   know it was a lot of work   and time  to  put all these connections  with the past and present together. I am  excited for the release of this excellent historical fiction book. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this  excellent book.  I will post my review on Amazon, facebook, Goodreads, my blog , for church staff..


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