Managing Worry and Anxiety by Jean Holthaus

"Managing Worry and Anxiety"  by Jean Holthaus is a Christian living book. She is a licensed  therapist and has  lots of experience working  with anxious people.  She  explains   what anxiety is and  uses research.   She  tells  what the medical  treatments including medicines  that can  be used  to help  patients.  She  shared practical step by  step approaches to help patients. She  also  shares how peoples view of  God can be distorted and  hurt their   daily lives.  She  gives examples of  how  God worked in the Bible and how  that can encourage us to have a deeper relationship with Him. She  even shared some examples  when she has worried and how it  has  hurt her .She  shared how she could have  done things differently so she did not  worry. She  also  shows   ways  we think  that can  promote worrying. She  helps  us change those faulty thinking patterns  with good examples. This  book is  a good resource for  therapists, counselors, any Christian , pastors. This book  was given to me by  netgalley and the publisher  for review purposes.  The opinions about the book are  my own.


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