Jesus Over Everything by Lisa Whittle

" Jesus Over Everything" by Lisa Whittle is  a Christian Living  book.  Lisa is a writer, speaker and has a non profit ministry  Ministry Strong. She does podcasts  on Jesus Over Everything.   This book is  well written and very practical. She  addresses the hard issues of   what do we place above Jesus.  It is  easy to   value other things above  Jesus. We  surrender our lives to Jesus  and think He is first. We  then  can easily   struggle to balance with all the other  things  that compete for our attention. She is  very candid and open  about our need to address the issues  that are competing for our attention.  i  like her honesty and  ability to  address the hard topics.  This book is well written.  I  was given this   book to read and review and the opinions are my own. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.   I will post my review on  Facebook, Goodreads, Amazon, netgalley, my blog and share it with  the church staff.


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