The Land Beneath Us by Sarah Sundin
"The Land Beneath Us" by Sarah Sundin is the third book in the Sunrise at Normandy series. The book takes place during World War 11. It is so well researched and written. It is historical fiction. The scene of the story is Camp Forrest and also Normandy. The author writes about all the hard preparation the soldiers have to do The character of Leah Jones is very memorable and touching. character. She is an orphan and is working at Camp Forrest as a librarian. She was inspiring to move forward with her life . She felt the absence of not having parents. She showed a huge amount of courage to conqueror the challenges in front of her . She has a heart of forgiveness which is to be admired. I think it is good for people to understand the sacrifices during War time. I think the story reminds the reader of those sacrifices. . The flow of the story is back and forth between the events at the Camp base and the war zone. The soldiers see their fellow soldiers die and there is so much loss and then they have to in turn continue to fight the war. The book is excellent and so well written. Thank you to the publisher, netgalley and the author for allowing me to read this rich, well written book and post a review. I am posting my reviews on Amazon, netgalley, facebook mGoodreads, my blog, also sharing it with the church staff.
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