Praying Women by Sheila Walsh

"Praying Women " by  Sheila Walsh is a  motivating,  resourceful book for the Christian Woman.   Sheila is a well known  singer and Christian woman.  She  shares  her  struggles with connecting with  God first. After she is  very open she    shares how  she  handled  her    struggles in prayer..  She  is  so real and honest. I  think this book is so important for any Christian woman.   So  often  as  Christians we  get stuck in our own inadequate  feelings about prayer and   have difficulty moving forward. God wants to use us as we  are in our  weaknesses.   We are a needed  vessel in this  broken world.   Prayer is a powerful weapon and needs to be used for God''s  glory. Sheila   is  speaks to women  at  churches.  She  shares  how  God has  transformed her  through prayer.  Thank you to the publisher and netgalley  for allowing me to read and review this book. 


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