100 Words of Affirmation your husband needs to hear by Lisa Jacobson

"100 Words of  Affirmation Your Husband Needs to Hear" by  Lisa  and Matt Jacobson  is a practical   and helpful book.  This  book is written by  a husband and wife  team  which  gives  both of their perspectives.  It is really important  to say positive supportive comments  to your husband.   It is important  to build them up so they can  be more successful.  They have  God  given talents and we   can help them use  them to   their full extent.   any marriage can  be   enriched  by  using these helpful techniques.  Thank you to the publisher, author and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.  It is practical and helpful. I  was given the book  to review and the opinions are my own. 


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