Children of the Stars by Mario Escobar

"Children of the Stars"  by  Mario   Escobar  is  an historical fiction book.   Mario Escobar is a best  selling author.  This story takes place  during  the  very difficult  days of World War 11.   The  story  shows  the  very real difficulties  of  being Jewish  during   the war. There were many  , many instances of  cruel and unfair   treatment.  The  reader will leave the book thinking about all the characters go  through. The characters   have a lot of determination and  steadfastness through their  trials.  They  kept  facing  each   difficulty  as it  came and found a way of escape. The book is well researched  and   gives the  reader an accurate  account  of the difficulties   during that time period. I would  highly recommend this book.  There are the themes of  good vs evil.   The author, publisher, netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.   I will be posting my review on netgalley, Goodreads, facebook, my blog, and  sharing it with our church staff.   The  book  was given to me for review purposes only. 


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