Tomorrow's First LIght by Naomi Rawlings

Tomorrow's First Light is the first book in the series of 5 in the Texas Promise series by Naomi Rawlings. The story is a Christian fiction story which takes place in Twin Rivers, Texas. Ellie Spitzer moves with her 8 siblings to Twin Rivers from Eagle Harbor to be Sam Owen's mail order bride. They wrote each other for a year and decided to marry. Ellie's Mother died before she traveled to Twin Rivers and her Father had passed away previously. Her aunt would not take any of her siblings so she had to bring them with her to Twin Rivers. Sam thought she was only bringing 3 siblings. She did not want to put her siblings in an orphanage. Sam lives on a ranch with cattle but does not have very much money. It is big surprise to see all of Ellie's siblings when she arrives to Twin Rivers. Sam had a heart for the situation Ellie was in because He grew up in an orphanage. It takes time for the two newly married couple to adjust with all of their life challenges. Sam's land is threatened to be taken away. How will they survive when their land is threatened? How will Ellie and Sam handle the financial challenges of all the children and very little income. The characters are well described. The story is beautifully written. The Christian themes are written beautifully in the story. Sam and Ellie speak of how the Lord is always working good in their trials and how God cares for them. Thank you so much to Naomi Rawlings for allowing me to read and review this wonderful book. I hope it is very successful. It is nice to read a Christian book with a wonderful message.


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