No Ocean Too Wide by Carrie Turansky

The   story is   so very moving Ocean Too Wide "  by  Carrie Turansky  is an  historical fiction book  .  It   focuses on plight of the  history of 100,000  orphans  in England during  1869-1939.   These  orphans   were put in   government  controlled orphanages .  The  orphans were  taken to   Canada to live  with  families who  bought them. They   worked for the families  either in the house or   their  farm.  The conditions for  these orphans were not  always  very good. The  McAlister  family   had a loss already a year ago with their Dad and husband.  There  are   4 children in this  family   Garth,  Katie, Emma and Laura.   Laura  works  an  hour away  at a large estate.   Katie and Garth are twins.  Edna McAlister   suddenly becomes   gravely ill and the  neighbor has to take her to the hospital.   Laura    finds out about  her  mother's illness by   a letter.  The  children are placed in an orphanage since there is no one to care for them.  Unfortunately  Katie and Emma  are  not  in the  same   orphanage as   Garth who is  placed in a boys orphanage.   The  orphanage  has strict  rules and   once  Laura finds out  her siblings  are in the orphanage   she  is not allowed to  see  them when   she visits.  The lady in charge of the orphanage is   really cold and   rather  an  uncaring person.  Laura  decides  she  must   find her  siblings and keep them from going to Canada.  She  runs into r an hour away.  Andrew has  been hired to  inspect the  orphanages and make sure  they  are operating   at   according to the  government standards.  He  runs  into  Laura and agrees to help her find her  siblings. Laura is pulled  between finding her   siblings and   watching out for her  mother.  Her mother  eventually   goes home and recovers from pneumonia.  Laura's  siblings were sent to Canada without  her Mother's  consent or knowledge.  The  story weaves in   scripture and  how  God  cares for  us..  This story  makes this  difficult   plight   of the orphans come alive and more real for  the reader..   Will Laura  and Andrew  find  Laura's  siblings?  Will her  siblings be able to be returned to her  Mother?  I  finished the  book remembering  the  story and its  characters and  wanting to know what is next. The story is very moving.The story is  to be continued in   book  2 .  I commend the  author  for this amazing novel and  her  outstanding research and hard work.  It is  an outstanding novel and so well written! Thank you to the publisher , netgalley and the author for allowing me to read and review this  outstanding book. I  hope it is a  smashing success!


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