Jesus Followers by Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel Ruth Wright

 #Jesus Followers# is by Anne Graham Lotz and Rachel Ruth Wright. Anne is the daughter of Billy Graham and Rachel is the granddaughter. Jesus Followers is a practical and helpful book. The book encourages parents and grandparents to make their faith real to the next generation. This book is rich with practical examples from the Ruth and Billy Graham's example. This book draws so much history and helps the reader apply this book to their lives. It is so nice that Anne wrote the book with her daughter so the book can have the perspective of Anne and Ruth in the book. Anne shares about worship, work, walk and witness. The reader will find this book very inspiring and rich. The reader will see how God has made a difference in the whole Graham and Lotz families. I appreciate Anne and Rachel wanting to make a difference in our world. Our world needs the impact in this book since so many people are struggling for hope . Thank you to the publisher , author for allowing me to read and review this book.


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