Once Upon A Wardrobe by Patti Henry Callahan

 #Once Upon A  Wardrobe#  by  Patti  Henry  Callahan is a fantasy  fiction book.  Patti is a best selling author. She received the  well respected  Christy  award for   Becoming Mrs. Lewis in 2019.   She  received the Harper Distinguished Writer award in  2020. She is the  creator and host of the Friends and Family   podcast and live  web show. The cover is  so beautifully done  and draws the reader into the  well written fantasy  story.   The story takes place in  Worchester, England in 1950. The  story is  told  by  Meg who is  George's  sister.  Meg is a physics major at  Oxford  University. George  really enjoys  the book The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.   His imagination leads him into that world. The  book   brings the reader into  this world.  The  descriptions are so rich and  well done. George has a heart  condition  but loves to enter into the world of the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe.  Meg knows  C.S. Lewis   from Oxford. He is an English Literature  professor  at  Oxford.   She  enters into a friendship with  him and  He  tells her more about the  world of Narnia.  He  explains  how He came up with the world of Narnia.  This  book leads you  through the hidden wardrobe.  The reader will escape into this  other world. of Narnia.   The  book is rich and so well written. The reader will also  feel like they have stepped into England.   This book was  given to me by the publisher and  the author to read and review  .   Thank you for the opportunity to read  this wonderful book.    Patti has  wonderful  talent and has written  16 books!    I highly recommend this  book. 


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