A Picture of Hope by Liz Tolsma

 A  Picture of  Hope is a World War 11 fiction  story.  Liz started writing in 2011.  She  has been an award finalist twice.   A Picture of Hope  is  well researched and described.    The reader will  feel like they can picture  life  towards the end of World War 11.   The  description of  DDay  on Normandy  is  so  detailed and complete.   The reader will understand the grief and sorrow  of  so many   men lost  during that time. Nellie plays  several roles in this  story . She  starts out  as a  photojournalist  mostly in London.  She  wants  Americans to understand  the realities of the war.   She  next poses as a nurse to  be part of the scenes during Dday  and  get more pictures.   Her next role is  being part  of the resistance movement  in an underground way to  protect  mongoloid  children   who the Nazis  will not give any chance of  survival because they are not  perfect.   It is wonderful to see her heart for  these mongoloid children  who are  so at  risk and  not cared for at that time.  She  went out of her way  to  keep these children  safe  and even risked her own life.   The Nazis  thought  nothing  about  killing these mongoloid  children.  Their actions seemed so heartless. These children  are more helpless than other children.  She  brought  a mongoloid child with another   person who  was part of the resistance movement to a convent  .  This  convent was in France and   was a safe haven for  mongoloid children from the Nazis. Nellie and the  Nuns went to all kinds of measures to  protect the children.   This book is a fast  paced page turner.    It is hard to put down.  Thank you to the publisher and Liz Tolesma for allowing me to read and review  this book.  I would highly recommend this book and I  am looking forward to the next  book in the series.  


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