God Hears Her 40 day devotional Journal

 #God Hears Her 40 day  devotional Journal#   is a Christian living  book  published by Our Daily Bread. This  book is written by  several authors.  It  has a  series of  verses first. Then  There  is a devotional writing to go with the  scripture  reading  . There are also  practical  questions  that follow.   There is  some space to write your answers.    The book is practical and Illustrated    very  nicely. It is  such a helpful resource. It is nice  that there are practical questions to apply the passage to devotional to  the reader's life. It is nice there are different authors.  Thank you to the   publisher , author for allowing me to read and review  this book.   The opinions are my own.  I hope  this book is very successful. 


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