A Haven for Her Heart by Susan Anne Mason

 #A Haven For Her Heart# by  Susan Anne Mason is   the first book in the  Redemption's Light  series. Susan Anne Mason is from  Toronto , Canada.   This book is an historical   fiction book. The setting is Toronto, Canada.    The narrator is   Olivia  Rosetti  who    was pregnant and homeless in the beginning of the  book. She was a  troubled person and alone.  She  learned  how hard it is to be pregnant with her fiancĂ© away  at  war.  Olivia  has courage and  perseverance.  Her character is to be admired for  her heart for others, her mercy and kindness. I  liked seeing how she overcame her difficult  circumstances.  The  themes of the story are loss,  turning   tragedy to   triumph. The characters and ,setting are well  described.   Thank you to  netgalley, the publisher and the author for allowing me to read and review this book.   i hope it is very successful.    


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