Price of Valor by Susan May Warren

 #Price of Valor#  by  Susan May Warren  is  a  fast paced  action, suspense, thriller and romance fiction book.  Susan May Warren  is a best selling author.  She  has  won the  Christy, Rita and Carol Awards.   She spent  8  years on the mission field. She enjoys  helping   people launch their  writing career. #Price of Valor#  is the  third book in the Search and Rescue  series.   This book centers around Hamilton Jones. Hamilton Jones is a former Navy Seal.  He  is  very enduring,  determined, forgiving.   He  lives out his Christian life  throughout the book.   Ham  and his friends Jake and  Dr.  Aria Sinclair find themselves in a  category 5 Hurricane and  earthquake   in Key West.   There is so much  action, romance, suspense  that is   does not stop until the last  page.  each and every scene is well described.   The  characters   are well described.  The book is well written.   The themes in the story  are  forgiveness,  loss, faithfulness, steadfastness.  I commend  Susan May Warren for  a wonderful   last  book in the Search and Rescue  series.    Thank you to the publisher, netgalley and the author for allowing me to read and review this  book.   I am happy  to  share my review  with others.  i hope this  book is very successful.  The opinions are my own. 


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