Seeing Jesus from the east by Ravi Zacharias and Abdu Murray

 #Seeing  Jesus from  the East#  by  Ravi  Zacharias and Abdu Murray is a nonfiction Christian  book. Ravi   became a  Christian at the age of 17.     At  71  He  was  still  speaking,  preaching, teaching about  Jesus and specifically apologetics    .  He  passed away  in 2020 and will be remembered by  many. He  started a ministry  RZIM  in 1984. His  vision for the ministry was to  .  establish an apologetics  training center.  There are now   fifteen offices throughout the world in the United States, Canada, Peru, Kenya, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Austria, Spain, Romania, Macedonia, Turkey, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, and  the Middle East.   This book is written  by Ravi  Zacharias and Abdu Murray.  They both  want us to understand the Eastern  cultural view of the world.   They want us to understand   how the .Eastern view of the world impacts   our view of  Jesus and Christianity.  They want us to have a fresh encounter  with Jesus.  This book will  give a new perspective to the Bible.   It  will open Christians to  how  Easterners  think and relate to the  world in other worlds their world view.   This book  will show the reader  how difficult it is for the  Easterner to  convert to  Christianity. There are so many obstacles  that  they  have to wrestle   with including  their families and those in  their range of influence.  Since Jesus  grew up and lived in the Middle East   this  perspective will help us understand Him better.   Thank you to the author, publisher, netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.   It is  a helpful resource for  Christians , pastors .   I will post my review on  netgalley , Goodreads, Bookbub, facebook, Booksmillion,  Barnes and Noble, my blog and with our  church staff.  


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