The Medallion by Cathy Gohlke

Review of The Medallion by Cathy Gohlke is a World War 11 dynamic historical fiction book. The book goes back and forth between two couples who are deeply affected by the War. The book takes place in Warsaw , Poland . The town is in a turmoil since the Germans have taken it over. Sophie Kumiega, a British bride working in the city’s library misses her husband Janek who was deployed for the Polish forces. . She waited patiently for him to come home.She was torn by the horrible injustices she saw towards the Jewish people. She saw people pulled from their homes and regulations put on them.The second couple is Rosa and Itzhak Dunovich. Rosa's husband gave her a medallion when they got married. She is pregnant and struggled with the fact that their child would grow up in the Jewish ghetto. What will become of Rosa and her husband and Sophie and her husband? This book has been carefully researched and paints clearly described picture of life during World War 11. The reader will feel for what the characters are experiencing and will feel like they are moved into their world. The story shows how the characters reach up to God for strength in the midst of their unbelievable trials. This book is one of the best books I have written in my lifetime. I appreciate all the work , care the author put into this book.


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