Defying Jihad by Esther Ahmad
"Defying Jihad" is written by Esther Ahmad. It is a nonfiction Christian very inspiring and traumatic story. Esther was raised in a very devout Muslim family. Her father was disappointed when she was born because she was not a boy. He never really valued her. The family had Muslim meetings in their house for many years. They followed all the Muslim practices each and every day. She was raised to believe the highest value was given to those who killed Christians for Allah. She lived in Pakistan which is a very strong Muslim country. She planned on leaving and training to be a jihadist and kill Christians. A few days before she was supposed to leave she had a dream with Jesus face to face confronting her. After various events she became a Christian. When her Dad realized she had become a Christian he forced her to be questioned by Muslim scholars for a whole month. Normally if a Muslim becomes a Christian they are killed and put in display in front of many people when they are killed. His Father told her if she did not win the debate she would die. If she lost the debates she would be killed. She was able to stand up to the Muslim scholars and win the debates! When the debates were held many people showed up to witness them. They were very dramatic and powerful. It is impressive that Esther was able to win every debate considering she was a new Christian and had not had a Bible for very long. After she won the debates her Father was angry and wanted her to marry a Muslim and not continue being a Christian. What will become of Esther with all these Muslim people wanting to have her killed? Will she continue to keep her Christian faith? This book was very eye opening to me about the intense persecution in the world for Christians and for those that have become Christians after previously being Muslim! I became aware of the many freedoms We have to practice our religion in America. This book was an incredible read and so amazing! Thank you to the publisher , netgalley and the author for allowing me to read and review this book. I have shared my review with facebook, Amazon, my blog , Goodreads, with pastors, friends . I hope the book is very successful and addresses the very real risks for Muslims that have become Christian. I am not obligated to give a positive review.
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