Core 52 A Fifteen Minute Daily Guide to Build Your Bible IQ in a Year by Mark E. Moore

Review for Core 52 by Mark E. Moore a Fifteen Minute daily guide to build your Bible IQ in a year
Mark is a teaching pastor at Christ's Church of the Valley. in Phoenix, Arizona. He spent two decades teaching New Testament as a professor at Ozark Christian College. This book is a 15 minute plan to learn the Bible. It covers 52 topics with a weekly plan. It starts out with a question, then an article which includes more questions. At the end of the chapter there are key points. There is a box after the key questions with a plan for each day for the week. The articles are well written and gives the reader a deeper understanding of key topics in the Christian life. The book is a great way to grow as a Christian. There are Bible passages in the daily assignments. This is a great resource for Christians. This book was given to me by Waterbrookmultnomah publisher and I am not obligated to give a positive review.


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