The Refuge by Ann Gabhart

"The Refuge"  by Ann Gabhart  is a historical fiction book. It is written during the cholera   period in history.  Walter and Darcie  Goodwin heard about the cholera  epidemic   where they lived.    They are concerned about the risk it will have on them. They move to the  Shaker  village hoping to stay away from the  epidemic.   Unfortunately, Walter  gets  killed by  a riverboat accident.   After  He  passed away  Darcie    realized she is pregnant . She had no money and   had to stay with the Shaker community. Marital  relationships are viewed as  sinful in that community.  Darcie   struggled  through her  pregnancy in that  community out of necessity. The Shaker  Community  will only  allow the baby to  stay with Darcie   for a limited  amount of time.   What will become of  Darcie in the  future with her baby?   Thank you so much to the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review  this wonderful story.  I am not obligated to give a positive review.


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