Sweet on You by Becky Wade

Sweet on You" is  a fiction book by Becky Wade.  Sweet on You is the third book in the  Bradford Sisters  series.  Britt and Zander  have  been  best friends since they have been  thirteen.    Zander  was raised by his uncle.  When his uncle  dies   he has  many questions surrounding his death.  Zander and  Britt   unravel each question to   solve the many  mysteries of his death. Zander   also   tried to show his support for his  aunt  during this change with   the loss of his uncle.   In the meantime  their  friendship  deepens and  what will become of their  friendship? Sweet on you  was given to me by the publisher  to read and review. I am not obligated to give a positive review.  Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read and review this   wonderful book.   I am  sharing my review with Amazon,  facebook , my blog. 


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