Breaking the Power of negative Words by Mary Busha

"Breaking the Power of Negative Words" by  Mary  Busha is a  nonfiction  Christian living book.   Often we are hurt by  the negative  words  people use. Mary  teaches  the reader to look at the person  who said the negative  words and realize  they  come from   their own hurt.   She  gives some wonderful examples   of  people  who have suffered  from the hurtful words of others. She  asks the reader to think about who they were created to be . She  tells the  negative  effects of  negative self talk and how damaging  it  can be on a person. She teaches the importance of forgiveness step by step.  She  teaches the reader to move forward  in a positive way.  Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to  read and review this  book. I am not obligated to give a positive review.   It is so very practical to the Christian life.   


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