Reclaiming Sanity Hope and Healing for trauma, stress and overwhelming life events by Dr. Lauren Shaler

Here is the review for Reclaiming  Sanity:
Review for Celebration Lit: 
Reclaiming Sanity Hope and Healing for Trauma, Stress and overwhelming Life Events by Dr. Lauren Shaler 
This book addresses the trauma and struggle people go through after a loss of various kinds. Dr. Shaler is a social worker, author , counselor , professor, speaker. She has wonderful experience and examples of people that have gone through post traumatic stress and uses their examples to teach others how to handle their stress. She used to work for the Department of Veteran Affairs as a counselor and specialized in trauma. Her book is written in several parts. She first explains what it is to have PSTD. In the second part she tells the reader how to get their life back .She also addresses the myths we have about how we handle our losses and how to look at the myths differently. She also teaches specific coping mechanisms for those going through PSTD. She ends with how to get your peace back. This book has a positive helpful approach for people who have been through life altering losses. This book will prepare people for any future PSTD situations they will be facing.


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