Prayers of Blessing Over My Marriage by Bruce Wilkinson

Here is the review for  Prayers of Blessing Over My Marriage by  Bruce Wilkinson. "Prayers of Blessings over My Marriage" by Bruce Wilkinson is nonfiction and practical for every day living for a marriage. The book covers very relevant topics in each chapter. It addresses these topics: Christ, Spiritual growth, sexual intimacy, fault finding, blessing, emotional support, peace , attraction, influence, focus, attentiveness, favor. It is a practical and helpful book. It will help any marriage. It is rich with wisdom and practical advice. The reader can use this book over and over for their marriage and other marriages as well. This book would be very helpful in a counseling situation for pastors and others doing lay counseling. It is a good book to recommend to friends. I really believe this book will strengthen and build up any marriage. Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this excellent book. I will share this review with Amazon, Goodreads, my blog, facebook, pastors, friends.


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