Life Changing Prayers How God Displays His Power to Ordinary People by Michael Youssef

Life Changing Prayers is well written and teaches the believer how to pray . It uses examples of people in the Bible like Eliezer, Hannah, David, Jonah, Habakkuk and Mary in the Bible. Eliezer was persistent in prayer. Hannah prayed with an openness to God about her desire to get pregnant and have a child. David prayed with mercy and justice. Jonah prayed with despair for Ninevah. He did not like the immoral lifestyle there and found it hard to go and speak to the people as God wanted him to do. Habakkuk prayed with an openness about his concerns about his country. Mary prayed a song of praise. The author also shared other personal examples to encourage people to pray. The book is well written and encourages the people to keep praying. The book was given to me for review purposes only by Baker Books. I am a blogger and I am not obligated to give a positive review.


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