Lies men Believe

 'Lies  Men  Believe' is   a non fiction book.  It  addresses the lies men   have in their thinking and    then directly    points to what the truth   what the thinking  should be. This  book   addresses the   concept that   We can not earn  God''s favor .   Our  standing with God  is  based on what God has done for  us in dying on the cross.   We are created in God's  image and not what others say.  Another lie is  I have a right  to be angry when  things do not go my  way. We  do not have a right to be angry.   This  book is  very freeing since  it   addresses many   ways  of thinking  that can put men in a trap and  keep them from  moving ahead in their  Christian life and their life in general.  It is  well written and personable   The  wife of the author  wrote  the  book Lies Women  Believe and this  book is the men's   version   .   I would recommend this book for  pastors,   any  Christian man.  It  will  help you  grown in your life as a Christian.    Thank you  for netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and write reviews on this book. It   was a   wonderful opportunity and I appreciate it very much.


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