Faith in the Shadows Finding Christ in the Midst of Doubt by Austin Fisher

Faith in the Shadows   reaches out to  answer many  questions  about  Christianity.  So often  people do not get their answers to their questions.    The author says it is good to have questions.  He  addresses the   problem of evil, hell, science  and  how God  can fit with the  questions  in these areas.  He  encourages people to  look for the answers and seek God in the midst of the answers. He   tells believers to   not  stop  believing when they have questions and  God can meet us  where are questions are.    So often people  stop  following the Lord when they have doubts. The Lord  can meet us  where we have doubts and  cares about our doubts.  He is  faithful.    When we have the answers to our doubts    we have a more secure and firm faith.   This book "Faith in the Shadows"  was given to me by the publisher and netgalley for  review purposes only .  I appreciate this opportunity to read and review this book.


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