Jewel of the Nile by Tessa Afshar

 #Jewel of the Nile#  by Tessa Afshar is a Biblical fiction  novel.   .Tessa  is  the Publisher's weekly  best selling   author of  Biblical  and inspirational fiction. She won the Inspy  award for Land of Silence. The Bible  study  New Beginnings  on the book of  Ruth won the EPCA   book of the year award. She has her  Master's of  Divinity from Yale. The novel takes place  at  Cush  ,  the ancient city and   the Roman  empire. .   The characters are well described.  The  city of Cush  is  explained well.  Chariline is the main character.   The themes of the book  are  trust  vs  mistrust, identity,  hope,   secrets,  coming of age, coping  in difficult situations.    The  reader will feel like they have  stepped in the   land of Cush  and Ancient Rome. The book is well researched   and applied to the novel.   The  cover of the book is  so beautiful and  shows the sadness of  Chariline.   Thank you to netgalley, the author, the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.  This  book is a wonderful  addition to Christian literature.  


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