Chasing Shadows by Lynn Austin

 #Chasing  Shadows# by  Lynn Austin is an historical fiction book .Lynn has  written 27 novels  since 1992. She has won the Christy  award for 8 of her books! She  was inducted in the Christy  Hall of fame in 2013. Her novel Hidden Placed  was  made into a movie by the Hallmark channel. Before  she  started writing she worked as a teacher. She got her BA  from  Hope  College and Southern Connecticut State University.  She has  had  a long time interest in history and archeology.  She  used  this back round to write her  books.   The  book stays  place in the Netherlands during  World  War 11.  The characters are beautifully described.   The  characters are  faced  with such  evil  and  have to  overcome  their challenges in front of them.  World War 11 is a  very tough period in history.   There were  people who were in the resistance  group  trying to  fight for the safety  of  those  whose lives were at risk.  The author moves   the reader from one  shadow to another  of  conflict.   The reader will feel like they have entered into World War 11.   The themes are  good vs evil, forgiveness, self sacrifice,  unconditional love.  The book is well researched with good back round.    I  walked away  remembering the   struggles the characters lived  and  endured. The   story gives the reader some wonderful insight  in what life  was like during World War 11.  Thank you to the publisher, the author  and netgalley for allowing me to read this excellent and well written book.  


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