Reload Love: Transforming Bullets to Beauty and Battlegrounds to Playgrounds

Reload Love  "  by  Lenya Heitzig  is   a very inspirational Christian book.   I found it powerful and moving and an excellent  read I  could hardly put  down.  Lenya  starts the non profit  group to help  those  people  who have been  hurt   by terrorism, ISIS ,  persecution in  Iraq and Burma.   She  makes   a couple of  trips to investigate the situation of  terror in  Iraq and Burma to  decide if  her  non profit organization   could help the people.   She was moved  by  the   wounds left  to the people by   the  terrorism .  She  hooked up with another   non profit organization in the jungles of Burma and   saw the needs  in  that  region.   She asks the reader  what is like for you to think about  the suffering in the war torn areas.   Will you   just  stand by  or will you allow these   horrible situations to move your heart. What would Jesus do for these people?   How  would it be for you to   have seen your  family members  killed by ISIS   or  in other war torn areas?    What  would it  be like to    see crosses burned and on the  floor. ? So often we take our   Christian freedoms for granted and this   book wakes the reader up to the  challenges and persecutions  many Christians have faced.  Many of the people  in the cities were  hiding in their homes for    fear of   being hurt and  damaged.    Reload love    decided to  build   playgrounds  so the  Mothers and children have a place to come   out of their homes and    show love to each other.   Lenya is a pastor's wife   in New Mexico and  organized this Reload Love ministry.    Her  ability to allow   God to use her in these  difficult  situations  will move the reader and  make  them  realize  the deep needs in our world.   The book really grows on you mind and  makes you  realize the power of  God in  these tragedies.    Thank you  for allowing me to read this  book through Harvest Home Publishers for review purposes only  through netgalley.


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