Overcomer: 8 ways to live a life of Unstoppable Strength, Unmovable Faith and Unbelievable Power by David Jeremiah

Overcomer " by   David  Jeremiah is  an outstanding book.  This  book   has a study  guide , DVDs to go with the book for more explanations.  David  Jeremiah is a wonderful  pastor in San Diego.   His  radio program and  daily  devotional is called turning point.   Each  chapter has  rich insights for the Christian life.    He    writes with   Ephesians 6 as his focus.  He    writes in a very personal and practical style. This book  has rich  tools for the Christian life.  He  give the Christian  8  ways for unstoppable  strength, unmovable  faith and unbelievable  power.  His   8 ways  are : overcoming weakness with strength, overcoming falsehood with truth, overcoming evil with good,  overcoming fear with faith, overcoming confusion with wisdom, overcoming temptation with  scripture, overcoming everything with prayer,  and overcoming   everything with life.    He  uses   part of the armor  to  explain each part of the   8 ways.     He   wants the Christian to use the armor of God every  day since we  are in   a  battle.    We  must  use the helmet  to protect   all the  parts of  the head the  can lead to battle from satan. We  need to watch and be on guard   for what  enters our mind since   our thoughts are so important for our success as a Christian.    We are  to watch  that we tell the truth and not  lie  by  keeping the word as the  sword  of the spirit  active  in our  heart and mind and  wear the breast plate of  truth. . We  need to  wear the heavy  shoes  on the gospel of peace to protect our feet .   He  suggests we live with an attitude of prayer daily and moment by moment.   He  says , " Prayer is the overarching key to  being an overcomer."  He  said we need to look for triggers in our day that  will remind us to pray each day often.. He  reminds us we lose God's  perspective when   we focus on our worries.  In each  chapter   David  puts lots of  examples  of people and  their situations  and shows how they have overcome. For example  , He  said that Dietrich Bonhoeffer  leaned on God so much while He  was in  prison  that He had a peace. This peace   was in  every circumstance He  was in and He  was close to God.  He  was martyred  for his faith..  He is a real example for our lives.This book is  very inspiring.  I  think  it  would be excellent for any  Christian.  It is a book you can  reread and still find good applications for your  life. Thank you for  Thomas Nelson  for allowing me to read and review this  book through  netgalley. I   appreciate this opportunity. 


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