Preparing to Meet Jesus

 Preparing to Meet   Jesus  by  Anne Graham Lotz and   Rachel Ruth Lotz  is   a  Christian living   devotional book.   Anne Graham Lotz  is  the daughter  of Billy Graham.  She is the president  CEO  of Angel Ministries. Her desire is for  all people to come to know Christ.  Rachel Ruth is  Anne's  daughter and the other writer of this book. This book is a 21 day devotional for preparing us to meet Jesus. We  all need to be ready to meet Jesus.  Each day has a character God the  Father looks for in his bride.  The devotional  discusses Isaac and Rebekah's love for each other .   The devotional talks about Rebekah's  qualities  that made her  suitable for Isaac.  This book will challenge  the reader to  develop a deeper relationship with  the Lord.   Are you  ready to experience  all God has for you in this book?  


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