Saturdays with Billy By Donald Wilton

 #Saturdays with Billy# by  Donald Wilton is  written by   Billy Graham's pastor.  Donald Wilton is the pastor of  First Baptist Spartanburg Church, South Carolina.  He has been the pastor of  First  Baptist Spartanburg  Church since  1993. He is  also the president of  Encouraging the Word ministry. Encouraging the Word Ministry   started in 2005. Pastor  Wilton has  also written several books. Pastor  Wilton  viewed  Billy  Graham has his mentor.  He  visited  Billy Graham every Saturday  for  15 years.  This book  is   so touching.  It  is a wonderful way the  reader can step inside  Billy Graham's heart  life. Pastor  Don shares  about  Billy Graham's character.  He  also  shares  about the people  Billy  impacted in the world and how He impacted them.  The  book is very inspiring and impacting.   It is wonderful Pastor Don took the  time to write such a person and reflective book about Billy Graham.  The world was forever changed  by  Billy Graham.  I  think I am changed by  reading this book also.  Thank you to the publisher, author, netgalley for allowing me to read and review this book.   


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