Coronavirus and Jesus

Coronavirus and Jesus is by John Piper.  John Piper  is a pastor. He  was a pastor at  Bethlehem Baptist  Church for 33 years. He has  written  over 50  books.  He  is the founder of    This website  has   books , articles, sermons, podcasts  that  address  issues   We face in the Christian life.    The book Coronavirus and Jesus is  outstanding.  I  commend  John Piper for writing   this book so efficiently and timely!   The first  section is  about   the God  of the Coronavirus  and the second section is  about  what  God is doing    through the Coronavirus. John is honest  and real  as He  writes the book.  This  book addresses many of the questions people will have  about the coronavirus.   He  gives us   the perspective of   who  God really is.   The book is a great tool for pastors, counselors,  and  any Christian.  Thank you to   the publisher and netgalley for allowing me to read and review this excellent book.   I  commend the author for writing  such a  great  resource!   I will post my review on facebook, netgalley, Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble,my blog,  for our church staff.  .


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