Praying through cancer

 #Praying Through Cancer#  by Susan Sorensen  is a book for cancer patients. Cancer is a hard diagnosis for people to face.  This book  shows the reader that they are not alone. This book    draws you back to the anchor , Jesus   who can strengthen  and  give you hope during  the difficult days.   This book is written for  90 days.  This book  uses  scripture and prayer to guide you through  your  cancer.   This book  is  personal, real  during your  hard trial.  This book  is written by people who have  faced cancer like Kay Warren. Pat Palau , Barbara Johnson,

Joyce Wright.  The  cancer patient will be helped by  hearing what others have  gone through.   Thank you to netgalley,  the publisher and the author for  allowing me to read and review   this book.       


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