Can't Buy Me Love by Susan May Warren and Andrea Christiansen

 Can't  Buy  Me Love is the second book in the Deep Haven Collection.    This book  moves from action  to action with lots of  romance .  Susan  May  Warren  and Andrea Christiansen write  this  wonderful   romance  in this  fictional town Deep Haven  close to the North Shores of Minnesota.   It is light  and  draws the reader in quickly.   The  ups and  downs  of the romance  of Ella and Adrian  will keep the reader  going.  The   themes of the story are  rich vs poor,  forgiveness,  hope, trust.   Deep Haven is a  homey  town and pleasant.   Adrian  has hopes for the town.  He is a businessman.  How will the  future proceed for these two. ?   I like the way  scripture is woven into this book in such a pleasant way.   Thank you to the publisher and author for allowing me to read and review this book.   I know this  book  will  have readers wanting more.  


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