Praying with Jane by Rachel Dodge
Praying with Jane" is a devotional book based on Jane Austin's prayers. It is very personal and practical. There is a prayer first . Then the author explains how it is practical and then has a prayer. There are many topics Rachel reviews in this book. She says pride and vanity cause blindness. It is easy to lose sight of God when we are prideful. We need to look at life from God''s perspective. If we do not our pride can blind us to our weaknesses. Another example is Jane asked for the Lord's temperament to be infused into her. We often can be challenged by people around us and by having His temperament in us we can interact with His character around us and be more Christlike to others who challenge us. Another example is We are to commend ourselves to His goodness instead of worrying about our concerns. WE often obsess over situations we can not change. Proverbs 18:10 the name of the Lord is a strong tower. ...