
Showing posts from 2022

Embracing Trust by Joanna Weaver

 Embracing Trust is a very helpful book for the  Christian life. Joanna Weaver is a pastor's wife and a Bible teacher. She  guides the Christian to a more meaningful friendship with  Jesus Christ. She   shows us  the  value  of  having  a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. She    also  explores what keeps  us from trusting  God  and how   to  move forward  and trust  God more in our lives.  He  helps us let go of what keeps  us from  trusting God.  She helps us to  build a faith  that is an unshakeable faith .  We  all have questions that  make  trusting  God difficult. She  helps us  to know how to move forward  to break beyond  your  challenges with trusting God. She encourages us to leave a legacy  of trusting  God.  She asks the reader  some questions : Do you  t...
 Tell Me the Stories of Jesus  is  by Albert Mohler. Al Mohler  is the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He  hosts   The Briefing and "Thinking in Public".  This  book is a Christian living book.  The parables  were written  with an illustration. Jesus wanted  the audience  to think about what  He  was   saying  and then  move  to  recollect   on the deeper meaning  within the parables.  He  wanted the audience   to think  about where their heart is and to apply  the parables  to their life.  If the meaning is given in a straight forward way  it can be easy  to not think about your life because  the meaning  is given  to the audience and they do not have to pause and think  where Jesus is coming from.  The parables are creative. . This book gives great background ...

Trusting God in All Things by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk

 Trusting God in All the Things is a  devotional   book. The book is written by Karen Ehman and Ruth Schwenk.  Karen works for Proverbs 31 ministries and also writes for Encouragement Today and is a contributing teacher for First 5 app. She has been on Today parenting, Fox News,.com  and  Ruth Schwenk is the founder of the popular blog The Better  and the founder of the podcast Rootlike faith.Thank you to the publisher , netgalley and the author for allowing me to read and review this wonderful book.   

Long Way Home by Lynn Austin

 Long  Way  Home  is  by Lynn Austin. Lynn earned a B.A from Hope College and South Connecticut University. She wrote full after after resigning from full time teaching in 1992. Eight of her novels won the Christy award.The  novels which won the Christy award are : Hidden Places, Candle in the Darkness, A Proper Pursuit, Until we  reach Home, Through Waters Roar, While We are War Apart, Wonderland Creek. She was inducted in the Christy hall of fame in 2013.  She is a very talented  writer.   Long  Way  Home is a time split  novel after  World War 11  and 7 years before. The  book gives the reader  the full spectrum  of  during and after the war. This  story helps the  reader understand the post traumatic stress of  the war through Jimmy Barnett's  eyes, who suffered  from the damaging affects of the war. He was admitted  to the VA hospital after showing ...

Hope for the Hurting by Tony Evans

#Hope for the Hurting#  by  Tony  Evans is a Christian living  book.   Tony is a best selling author, pastor, speaker. He wrote a Bible commentary  , study Bible  .  He is the pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship.   He understands what it is  to hurt. His   brother, sister, brother in law, two nieces, father, wife all died close together. His two  daughters were diagnosed with cancer in a short  period. He understands  trials. His  book  deals with  how to  approach and deal with  trials.   The   book Hope for the Hurting  approaches how to handle  difficulties and trials.  The  book is well written  and  compassionate.   Thank you to netgalley, the author and the publisher  for allowing me to read and review  this  book.   I  would recommend this book.  

My Daily Pursuit Devotions For Every Day Edited by James L. Snyder

 My Daily Pursuit is a daily  devotion. which has   been edited by  James  Snyder.  This  devotional is based on A.W. Tozer writings. A.W. Tozer was a theologian, pastor and writer  who live   from 1897-196 A.W. Tozer  continues to be a respected  author in   our day in the  Christian  world.  Each  devotion has  scripture,   some writings from  A.W. Tozer, a  hymn and a prayer.  The  devotional   will  make the reader  think  and  reflect on  a deep level.   Thank you to the  author, publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.   

At the table with Jesus by Louie Giglio

 At the Table with Jesus  is  a 66  day  devotional.  Louie is a pastor at the Passion City Church, a best selling author, speaker.  Louie pastor's a church in Atlanta  Georgia.  Louie  graduated  from George State University, did  post graduate work at Baylor University, and got his  master's  degree  at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.   At the Table with Jesus is  written in a very personal  style.   The  devotional looks at   Jesus.  The  devotional will bring the reader closer to  Jesus. The reader will  be drawn into  learning more about Jesus from this  wonderful devotional.   Thank you to  netgalley,  the  author and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book. 

God With Us 365 Devotions on the Person and Work of Christ Edited by Justin S. Holcomb

 God  With Us  is a daily devotional book.  This book  covers Jesus deity, humanity, incarnation, his ministry, crucifixion, resurrection. The  devotions  include writings from John Calvin, Charles  Spurgeon, Athanasius, Augustine, Martin Luther , John Owen, Jonathan Edward, Cyril of Jerusalem, John Frances, Chrysastom, Turretin, BB Warfield and Samuel Rutherford.   The  devotions  start with a verse and  then the  devotions use  writings from  one of the theologians listed.   The  devotions  are very meaningful.  The  devotions  help the Christian  understand their  faith.  The editor  Justin  Holcom is an Episcopal minister and teaches theology at Reformed Theological Seminary and Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary. This book  has a deeper dimension  with  all the insights from these theologians.    Thank you  for...