
Showing posts from April, 2019

40 verses to Ignite your faith by Laurie Polich Short

40 Verses to Ignite Your Faith " by Laurie Polich Short is a helpful book for the Christian. It can be used as a devotional. The passages center on one verse . The author explains the verse first. After the explanation with the back round the author applies the verse to the Christian life. The applications are wonderful and help the reader think about their life. The insights are very valuable. After the application portion there are reflection questions. These are passages in the Bible the reader may not think in this deep of a level. They are unique passages. The book takes the reader to another level of reflection. The author has been on PBS, Focus on the Family, World magazine. This book was given to me to read and review by the publisher and netgalley. I am not obligated to give a positive review. I have given a fair review of this book. Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.

The Bible Promise Book for the Anxious Heart by Janice Thompson

The Bible Promise Book for the Anxious Heart " by Janice Thompson is a practical and helpful book for the Christian life. The book starts out with a very personal prayer on different topics. After the prayer you will see verses that go with that topic. The author shows the reader she understands how you can be anxious about the different topics. The reader will know they are not alone in the midst of their anxiety. The reader will be drawn closer to the Lord by reading each passage. We live in a world filled with stress and anxiety. This book is a reminder to turn our hearts and minds to the Lord when we are anxious. This book was given to me by the publisher and netgalley . I was asked to give a fair and honest review. I am not obligated to give a positive review. Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.

Transformed by Remi Adeleke

"Transformed  "  by  Remi Adeleke   is  a true  story of how  Remi   was able  to overcome  difficult  odds.  He  grew  up in Nigeria and  then  when  He   moved to  the Bronx in  New York  after his Dad passed away.  He   lived in  a  very   tough part of town. His Mother took her  two  boys  to the Bronx  after her  husband passed away.  She   lost all the money  her husband   had worked   for  in Nigeria. She   worked hard in New York to support  her boys.    Remi   ends up in  several illegal  activities   before He  decides to join the Navy. He has a goal to become a Navy Seal.    He    finds  each step along the way very challenging   in the Navy.  He  ...

The Sky Above Us by Sarah Sundin

"The  Sky  Above  Us "  Sarah Sundin  takes place during the second World War.     It is the second book in the Sunrise  at Normandy  series  .   The  reader   gets an amazing picture of what the war  was like in this book.  Lt.  Adler Paxton    ships to  England in 1943 with the US  357  fighter group.  He  wants to make an ace and   be a significant part of the wars  efforts. He  entered some   very difficult  battles during  World War  11. His plane  even   ended up burning during the Dday  invasion.  Violet  Lindstrom   was  a part of the Red  Cross there helping the  357  flight group. She   set up entertainment for the  357 flight group and  the children . Violet  and  Adler were attracted to each other.  What ...

The Tinderbox by Beverly Lewis

he Tinderbox " by Beverly Lewis  is  an  Amish  story that  takes  place in Lancaster County.   The  story is about  the Miller family. Ernest  and Rhoda have  several  children.  Silvia is  their  oldest  child.   Ernest  has a  watch  repair  shop  and is well respected by the Amish community  where they live.   When  Silvia's parents are about to celebrate their  20th wedding anniversary    Silvia  finds a beautiful   tinderbox in the  watch shop of her Dad's.  She is curious  about what the  tinderbox  could  contain. She  opened the  box and the contents brought up lots of  questions for her. This  tinderbox is a family  heirloom for  her  Dad.   She  eventually   found the courage to ask her  father about the tinderbox....