40 verses to Ignite your faith by Laurie Polich Short
40 Verses to Ignite Your Faith " by Laurie Polich Short is a helpful book for the Christian. It can be used as a devotional. The passages center on one verse . The author explains the verse first. After the explanation with the back round the author applies the verse to the Christian life. The applications are wonderful and help the reader think about their life. The insights are very valuable. After the application portion there are reflection questions. These are passages in the Bible the reader may not think in this deep of a level. They are unique passages. The book takes the reader to another level of reflection. The author has been on PBS, Focus on the Family, World magazine. This book was given to me to read and review by the publisher and netgalley. I am not obligated to give a positive review. I have given a fair review of this book. Thank you to the publisher for allowing me to read and review this book.